Telegram Group Inviting Service.
We will invite real members from other groups to your official group. You can choose your desired category or group of your interest , or tell us your audience and we will select best group for you.
Only Real telegram members & users will be added to your group.
We can also add subscribers from your own text list usernames. Up to 10k.
Its a forced invitation service so 15 – 50 % drop is not odd! If your group is engaging and active more users will stay.
How much takes my order delivered ?
Fastest delivery in entire market of telegram marketing, 1k in 24hours. we know the telegram limits in order to avoid any Side Risks of Ban or group limitation! after years of telegram marketing we provide best to our clients.
we will add our manager to your group who then invite real members
Chat creation date should be older than 1 Month and active
Steps before starting invitations:
1. Update your group to Supergroup
2. Update Group Type to Public
3. Update Inviting Settings to All members
4. add Notification removal bot in your group chat
Telegram Group Membes | 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 10000, 20000 |
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